Leona Amalio FE65 2010
Leona Amalio FE65 2010
スペイン・バレンシアのギター工房「Amalio Burguet」にて製作されたフラメンコギターです。
This flamenco guitar was made in the Amalio Burguet guitar workshop in Valencia, Spain.
The top is made of Spruce and the sides and back are solid Cypress, and it is very light, weighing 1290g.
There is one ding on the lower part of the body side, otherwise no scratches or dings. There appears to be no history of restoration. The frets are in good condition.
The neck is in good condition and the string height is set quite low at 2.75mm on the 6th string and 2.0mm on the 1st string, making the guitar easy to play.
Comes with a general purpose hard case.
Click here to see a video of a test play.
Top: Spruce
Side & Back: Cypress
Pick up:None
Nut width:49mm