McAlister Jumbo David Crosby signature model 2001
McAlister Jumbo David Crosby signature model 2001
Roy McAlisterはカリフォルニアのルシアーで1992年から4年間Santa Cruz社に在籍した後独立。デビッド・クロスビーやジャクソン・ブラウンのためにギターを制作しました。 このギターはカッタウェイ付きジャンボ・シェイプのDavid Crosby signature modelで2001年製。
純正と思われるCeder Creek社製のハードケースが付属しています。
Roy McAlister is a luthier in California, who worked for Santa Cruz for four years starting in 1992 before going independent. He has also made guitars for David Crosby and Jackson Browne. This guitar is David Crosby signature model with cutaway and jumbo shape, made in 2001.
It has a cedar top, Indian rosewood sides and back, and mahogany neck. Scale is 645mm, nut width is 45mm.
There are almost no scratches or dents, and no repair history. There are no pickups or strap pins installed.
The neck is in good condition. The string height is 2.5mm on the 6th string and 2.0mm on the 1st string at the 12th fret, which is a standard setting. There are plenty of frets left.
Each note has a deep sound and is very responsive, making this guitar suitable for fingerpicking.
It comes with what appears to be a genuine Ceder Creek hard case.