Martin HD28 1994
Martin HD28 1994
This is a 1994 HD-28.
For a guitar that is 30 years old, it is a beauty, with few dents and scratches. The bridge appears to have been re-glued and has been properly repaired. There is also a strap pin on the heel of the neck that has been repaired and the hole has been filled in. The center seam of the top has a bump in the paint, but it has not reached the wood.
The neck is in good condition and the string height is 2.25mm on the 6th string and 2.0mm on the 1st string at the 12th fret. The one-way truss rod has hardly been turned.
The sound is soft, ranging, and rich, typical of the D28.
A general purpose hard case is included.
Click here to see a test playing video.
Top:Sitka Spruce
Side:Indian Rosewood
Back:Indian Rosewood
Pick up:None
Nut width:43mm